Sydney Natural Therapies Centre

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine which means we treat the whole person as an individual rather than just look at the disease. Homoeopaths do not treat physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual symptoms separately. We regard them as an integrated system, intimately connected, since all are aspects of the whole person.

DO WE GET OUR REMEDIES? They come from nature, including the mineral, animal, plant kingdoms. Homeopaths also use treatments called "nosodes" (from the Greek nosos, disease) made from diseased or pathological products. Homeopathic remedies prepared from healthy specimens are called "sarcodes". Other remedies are known as "imponderabilia" because they do not originate from a substance, but from sunlight, x-ray or electromagnetic energy

is different from the modern medicine system in many ways: It treats the whole person not just the symptom. It is individually chosen. It is non-habit forming, without side effects like modern medicine.It starts working at full potency straight away. It doesn’t depend on digestion to be absorbed. Its rapid effects are often extraordinary .

Personalized remedy kits are available. They are light to carry so ideal as a first aid travel and emergency kit that even fits in your handbag or can accompany children on school camps. They include remedies for nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bee stings, temperature, heat stroke, stroke and heart attack, concussion and more.

Remedies are safe for your pets to take! I have seen wonderful results.There are many homoeopathic vetenary practices in Australia. Most importantly Homoeopathy isn’t tested on animals!

Remedies taste good and are safe to take so kids love them! Each remedy is individually chosen by carefully observing each person individually One dose keeps working for hours, days, weeks, months and even years.

Your symptoms are important signals like the message icon on your mobile phone. The signals seek to get your attention; alert you to internal messages. It is unwise to ignore these messages. For example if your mum calls and you ignore that message she will call again leaving a more urgent message until crisis point is reached! Always listen to your body, the smallest symptoms are clues that something is out of balance and ignoring the signals may lead to “dis- ease

Homeopathic Aconite is well-known for its use in acute complaints rather than chronic conditions but occasionally is needed there also. A key feature of Aconite is the sudden onset of intense symptoms in which the person is restless, fearful and thinks they may die. Often used for very high fevers also Aconite has the ability to treat conditions such as ear pain, flu', panic attacks, shock, croup, angina, myocardial infarction, neuralgia, and urinary retention.